
Japanese and highly competitive technology
in your value proposition.

About us

Leading technology brand

Since 1951, AIWA has been a leading entertainment technology brand around the world. With a history of more than 70 years, it has been characterized by offering high quality products, with development in Japanese technology and highly competitive in its value proposition.
Sobre nosotros | Aiwa
Sobre nosotros | Aiwa
Sobre nosotros | Aiwa
Sobre nosotros | Aiwa

set the standard in the sale of a wide variety of audio and video products

Radio recorders, mini-components with cassette, digital audio tapes (DAT) and stereo headphones in the 80's and 90's, launching the first discman and walkman; products that undoubtedly revolutionized the way we listen to music.

Sobre nosotros | Aiwa
Sobre nosotros | Aiwa

and evolution

Currently, AIWA is positioned again with a wide range of equipment ranging from Smart TVs, Google Official Partner with Google TV operating system, tower audio systems, mini components, bombboxes, headphones, batteries, connecting cables and even smart watches. ; in its SOUND & VISION line, always faithful to the quality that the brand has demonstrated in its long history.

In addition, AIWA has a large portfolio in its HOME line that consists of air conditioners, white goods, kitchen appliances and beauty products, offering a variety of consumer products that combine technology, design and efficiency.

Returned to

In 2017, AIWA returned to the Latin American market with a new image and a renewed proposal. The brand is focused on continuing to be a benchmark in entertainment with quality Japanese technology for the entire region. He has returned to continue leaving traces.

Sobre nosotros | Aiwa
Sobre nosotros | Aiwa


Quality, a commitment for decades which we do not see just as another attribute, but as an unbreakable agreement that guarantees exceptional performance and durability like no other. AIWA is the smart choice for those looking for the perfect combination of quality and price.

Evolution, to always offer the latest in Japanese engineering design and technology with the most modern and robust operating systems and technical attributes.
Transparency, through relationships of trust with our clients and consumers, with ethical, transparent and integral treatment and communication that allows us to be the brand that passes from generation to generation.


The mission is to be the best price-value combination of entertainment technology for people. Generating products with the quality that has characterized us for decades, innovating in design and functionality, adapting to the highly changing environment and needs of our loyal and new consumers.

In addition, we focus on creating synergy with our clients and partners, achieving an approach that understands the mutation of the markets we serve, providing added value to all parts of the supply chain, from retail to the after-sales area.


Our vision is to be part of the lives of our clients and users; to be that partner that, with quality, technology and cutting-edge design, is present in every memory and collective or individual experience. We want to understand them and create products that are inherent in a better quality of life, through the development of technological solutions aligned with the digital standards of the era in which we were reborn.